let's discuss further

Responsive Web Design

  • Administrable website
  • Bespoke Graphic Design
  • Responsive Design
  • SEO & Content Management
  • Web Hosting Packages
  • Analyse de trafic
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  • Bespoke web and graphic design
  • Cart & Payement Setup
  • Products gallery
  • Web Hosting Packages
  • SEO & Content Management
  • Upgrades and Backups
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  • Hand Written Coding
  • Creating apps (React Node.js)
  • Databases PHP/MySQL, MongoDB, API
  • Marketing consultancy, SEO
  • Web-Solutions, widgets, api
  • Web Hosting, Upgrades & Backups
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Nowadays, the website has become an indispensable communication tool. Digital existence is only the avatar of our reality. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are micro-sites through which we make ourselves visible on the internet. The sites become more complex when we want to make our professional, commercial, or other activities visible. It can be an essential lever in trade and sales, access portals for the members of a company, the application that everyone uses, etc.
So the question of which type of site to implement is a crucial one to ask, and depends above all on the role of the site :

  • What is the role of the site?
  • What is the target of the site?
  • What is the estimated number of users?
  • How will they use it?

In general, it is on the basis of this information that the most suitable solution can then be chosen.

Showcase websites:

Showcase websites are a showcase for your business. These websites do not allow customers to buy directly from you online. Their goal is to increase brand awareness or recruit potential prospects. As such, a showcase site relies more on storytelling with the history and values of the business.
SEO, marketing, and design are all essential components of a successful showcase site. SEO helps to ensure that your site is visible to potential customers and can be found easily in search engine results. Marketing helps to promote your site and create awareness of your brand. Design is important for creating an attractive and user-friendly experience for visitors to your site. All three elements work together to create a successful showcase site that will attract more visitors and generate more leads..

Sites dynamiques:

A dynamic website is a site that generates pages in real time, responding to dynamic characteristics such as screen size and device type. The structure and content of a dynamic web page are flexible, allowing you to customize the end-user’s experience based on the browser or requests.
E-commerce is a method of buying and selling goods and services online. The definition of ecommerce business can also include tactics like affiliate marketing. You can use ecommerce channels such as your own website, an established selling website like Amazon, or social media to drive online sales.

Dynamic websites respond to user actions to display the relevant content in an appropriate format. The extent of the change the website can handle differs according to the intricacy of the website’s interactive components and the developer’s skill level. Dynamic websites are used for a variety of purposes, including social media, photo and video sharing, web applications, and digital commerce websites. Consequently, the work and services proposed are based first of all on a good architecture of the project. Identifying and organizing the contents of the website to better understand the specific characteristics of each project. My initial training (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Photoshop...) gives me the skills to develop the appropriate IT solutions that will allow you to propel your project.